Saturday, August 30, 2008

ellipsis - Ambition Recliner

Since we have a show coming up next Thursday at the Turf Club, I thought I should share some early demo versions of our tunes. This is "ellipsis."

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Monday Song - Pacaderm March by Sugoi!

Pacaderm March by Sugoi!

This week's song is Pacaderm March by Sugoi! This is a room recording from a practice we had back in March of 2007. Though we have a number of random practice recordings of this song, we never had the chance to record it in a studio environment. I always enjoyed this one and wished that we had a version to share with people.

Brian had the initial idea for Pacaderm March. We developed the song and started playing it sometime in late 2006. This song was part of a group of new tunes, all of which were much more angular and abrasive that the previous stuff Sugoi! had been doing.

Though the audio quality of this is not perfect, I am glad that I was able to find a version of this tune so I could remember it.

Monday, August 18, 2008

First Monday Song

Adam Marx

Well, it is late in the day, but this technically counts as Monday. As promised, here is the first of my Monday songs. In the future I hope to do this Sunday night, but I had a barbecue and wasn't able to get back to the computer. I have a lot of excuses that I am sure you would love to hear.

At any rate, my first Monday song is by my friend Adam Marx. I posted a few of his tunes back in April or March or something. I hope you dig it.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Part II - Name that Band Song

Just for the heck of it, here is the next four minutes of that crazy song. This probably won't help you figure it out, but it helps flesh out where the song is going. Any guesses? (Czahr you can't guess any more, because I told you who it is.)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Name that band

This is something that I probably shouldn't even post, but I feel that my readership is limited enough that I can share this without feeling like I have revealed some sacred promise to the world. It is, after all, not the complete song, but rather a snippet of a much longer piece. As such, it is perhaps misleading to represent merely this segment to the outside world, since it is only about one fifth of the length of the complete version. Nevertheless, I wanted to post something unique, and I feel that this fits the bill.

Oh yeah, and I've got a new thing to keep me in line - Monday's song. Every Monday (probably Sunday night) I will post a song. It might be a random recording made at the practice space. It might be an old practice recording I found to be interesting for some reason. It might be complete crap. It's my new theory to keep me posting regularly and using this as I had originally intended, to share music with friends. So if you are bored enough to check this, check it on Mondays.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sugoi! Practice Recording 3-12-08

I've been doing a lot of various recording sessions at the old practice space these days. The other night I went down there with the Bolschavic to get down some trumpet lines for a song he is working on, and we came across some old Sugoi! practice recordings. Among them was this tune. It was song idea of Brian's that we worked on a few times but never really finished. I rather enjoy this short rough version.