Hey - we're having an Art Party! This is a chance for people to get together, check out art, hear some music, and drink some wine and beer. It's a party! It takes place in this cool lounge area under Java Jacks from 7-10pm on Saturday, November 22. There is no admission cost or any bullshit like that. (Though we will kindly accept donations to cover costs.)
Anyone can submit work of any kind. If you are interested in showing something, simply email art.party.08@gmail.com buy November 8 and let us know. We will have a wide range of work including photography, painting, drawing, prints, and even some weird random shit. Some selected works will be displayed in the main coffee shop gallery for an extended period of time as well.
Music will be provided by Ambition Recliner and some other, as yet un-named act.
We hope you will join us. It's always a good time.