Thursday, March 27, 2008


These songs are posted for scientific purposes only. They are not meant to be taken as representations of finished songs nor intentional recordings. The songs on this post are all taken from random practice room recordings. All of these songs are in the processing stages, and the parts are still being figured out.

I thought it would be interesting to compare the different song writing styles at work. (Unfortunately, I do not have a Danforths' recording to share, but I will soon.) Rather than compare what the end result will be, it is kind of neat to see the different ideas in a raw developmental stage. Parts are played incorrectly. Elements are totally missing. Still I think it's kinda cool to hear the ideas in environment of a practice session.

Ambition Recliner - random practice

In the beginning and the end of the Ambition Recliner tune you can hear another band practicing through the wall. Czahr and I are obviously playing without a drummer. Tom was on a crazy road trip to Houston, so we practiced as a 2 piece. We did not have a vocal part figured out for the second verse, so Czahr and I mumbled through some random ideas in order to figure something out. I farted my way through the trumpet line. The first few notes on the one refrain are so aweful it kills me. It's so bad I didn't want to post it, but all of the songs on this post are flawed in some way.

The Deaf - random practice

I like this song idea we have for the Deaf, even though this recording does not have the best sound. I recorded it on my small Korg digital recorder using the built-in microphone. Needless to say the bass is a bit blown out. Also, there are no vocals. The singer wasn't there, so it's an instrumental, which is not ultimately how the song is intended. Nevertheless, I like the tune and have been wanting to post some Deaf music. More to come.

Sugoi! - random practice

Finally, I have Sugoi! This is a newer idea that is also lacking vocals at this stage. Like the other songs on this post there are flubs and mistakes, but you get an overall impression of the idea in development.

So there you have it. A snippet out of my week, imperfect

1 comment:

czahr said...

We need to get a recording of us playing along with the band on the other side of the wall.