Monday, April 28, 2008

The Good Old Days

I Wanna See You Dead by the Scrodonauts

Skate Harassment by the Women

So I've been stressin' hard as of late.

Times like these generally cause me to reflect on the past. In this case, it has resulted in my nostalgic posting of old, poorly recorded songs from college bands. Looking back at the "glory days" when life was "easy" often makes me feel better. Though at the time, I no doubt had any number of issues or problems that seemed just as difficult or impossible as now. Nevertheless, hearing these old tunes, recorded on 4-track tapes and the like, makes me recall a simpler time.


cLAy TV said...

dude, the good old days indeed!!
we were so rad, i mean are rad, or will be rad, just plain rad. rad!

Frankenstein Valentine said...

That made me feel funny in my tummy.
