Sunday, August 24, 2008

Monday Song - Pacaderm March by Sugoi!

Pacaderm March by Sugoi!

This week's song is Pacaderm March by Sugoi! This is a room recording from a practice we had back in March of 2007. Though we have a number of random practice recordings of this song, we never had the chance to record it in a studio environment. I always enjoyed this one and wished that we had a version to share with people.

Brian had the initial idea for Pacaderm March. We developed the song and started playing it sometime in late 2006. This song was part of a group of new tunes, all of which were much more angular and abrasive that the previous stuff Sugoi! had been doing.

Though the audio quality of this is not perfect, I am glad that I was able to find a version of this tune so I could remember it.

1 comment:

cLAy TV said...

this is good! hope the roast was tasty.