Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dark Black Suit - Ambition Recliner

This is an Ambition Recliner song that I've never posted. As are most of my posts, this is an extremely rough first round attempt of recording the idea. This is one we recorded a while back and have since developed more. I wanted to share this initial attempt at playing the song.

For the record (no pun intended) I am the dude fucking up the otherwise simple snare drum line. I just wanted some kind of rhythm reference, but I played it like crap. Since Tom is now our drummer, I feel it is important to point this out so that you do not blame him.

Other than the sketchy drumming, I think it's an okay representation of things to come.

I am recording Ambition Recliner, as well as Sugoi! and the Deaf at every practice. I intend to record The Danforths practices as well. My goal is to create a post featuring one song from each band from one week of practice. I think it would be interesting to show the variations and similarities between them all, like a snapshot from one week in the life of these related projects. More to come . . .

1 comment:

cLAy TV said...

Good stuff maynard! I hear a little Cavin in there.